We have launched PILOT-1®, our first satellite that enables the connection of IoT devices; this activity is called a "satellite gateway". We want to launch 100 more satellites within the next three years in a way that will collect data from IoT devices around the world.
Why do we offer such a service? Because a satellite gateway can connect IoT devices even in the absence of the Internet by reaching them within its 1300 km radius versus 8 km (in the city) and 15 km (in the countryside) of any terrestrial gateway, because from space, no physical barriers are encountered. In addition, satellite technologies are a viable solution in the field of environmental, economic and social sustainability.
It is in heliosynchronous low Earth orbit. From here satellite services are provided that we benefit from on a daily basis
It communicates via the market-established, low-power LoRaWan network protocol.
It runs on photovoltaic panels and will not produce space waste.
Consumption peak of 12 watts (like a light bulb)
Economical due to the growing satellite expertise made available
The satellite gateway service involves PILOT® collecting data from the devices and showing it to the user through our PONGO® software, a tool from which remote control (sending commands) of the devices connected to it can be carried out: the satellite sends data to the software, the software requests data from the satellite exchanging it bidirectionally with the devices around the globe. Specifically, IoT devices communicate with Pilot through the Andromeda nodes, while the satellite receives and groups data from these devices through its KOUBE payload, present on the global Satsearch marketplace. Next, Perseus ground antennas (or Ground Stations) receive the data collected by the satellite and display it to the user via PONGO® after saving it on the Network Server, a digital repository that ensures its secure storage and sorting.
An alternative to the satellite is the terrestrial gateway, which is also capable of obtaining data from devices and storing it on the network server, and then showing it to the user via PONGO®. In this case, an Internet connection is required (unnecessary for the satellite gateway service) and devices can be reached within 8 km (in the city) or 15 km (in the countryside), while with satellite an area of 1300 km can be covered.
Depending on the context, we can offer both satellite gateway solution and terrestrial gateway service.
Today we are concretizing the satellite gateway structure, as well as making future nano satellites.
We provide a complete service managed entirely by us, because the entire infrastructure just described is of our own complete creation. A single point of contact to ensure timely service management
Digital cybersecurity ensured by LoRaWan protocol, PONGO® and our cybersecurity software; collected data is and always will be protected from any cyber threat
Both PONGO® and PILOT® are patents owned by Cshark, in addition to owning the Andromeda nodes and the Perseus Antenna Earth infrastructure.
We have the digital skills to follow you on your innovation journey, demonstrated by our projects and consolidated by our network of partners
Low cost of service due to the low energy expenditure of LoRaWan technology and low cost of putting satellites into orbit
Ongoing support through our Academy; we can help you develop the digital skills you need
The constellation will allow the satellites to communicate with each other and obtain 24-hour coverage on the reception of the data
We build unique and ad hoc solutions that realize great performance in the service of the user
Two-way communication between satellite and terrestrial devices via LoRaWan network protocol and S-band