CShark presents NTS, Network Travel Solutions, the platform of the future for today's tourism. We integrate the services provided by the biggest Online Travel Agencies, involving all professionals and operators of the tourism industry and providing convenient offers and collaboration opportunities through the creation of an innovative network based on the circular economy concept.

NTS is an innovative enterprise project which introduces an unique solution realized for international tourism and dedicated to all people working in this sector. It is a cloud solution which unites and supports managers, tourists and travel operators, involving all the realities of different territories in an easy, winning and intuitive collaboration.


Organize your holiday in few easy steps!

  1.  Registration

    Register on the structure's portal by inserting your personal data

  2.  Reservation

    Choose your room and verify its availability by inserting the information required for check-in and check-out

  3.  Bundles

    Select optional bundles at reduced prices to enhance your holiday experience day by day

  4.  Check-out

    Pay through PayPal or by card without worrying



Book and verify the availability of the chosen structure. Verify right away the availability of the room of your interest and make a reservation in few seconds without wasting time.


NTS is provided with all fundamental instruments both for managers and tourists, such as the responsive custom web site and the private ERP entirely dedicated to the structure.

Exclusive bundles

With NTS you can choose among many different offers and services for favourable prices. All options have been previously chosen for you directly by the structure's partners, experts of the local territory.


You can freely adopt focused sales strategies at any moment.
Create promotional advertising campaigns on your social medias and add all multimedia contents you wish to highlight.


Benefits for the user


NTS: Network Travel Solutions is a complete platform, easy to use, which allows to access to a wide selection of excellent services and structures from all over the world. Through NTS it is possible to reserve your hotel room in few minutes and purchase optional bundles of services at a favorable price. The user has therefore the possibility to freely customize their own experience according to personal preferences. The numerous available bundles allow to enrich the experience and discover the local reality by offering new activities and opportunities for everyone, with the possibility to benefit from services and local partner structures.

Through NTS the user can:

  • Choose the structure among the many available options according to their own necessities and personal preferences;
  • Book their room of choice in just a few minutes;
  • Pay through PayPal or directly after arriving to the structure;
  • Purchase optional bundles of services at a convenient price, provided by the same structure or by a partner structure.



Benefits for the manager


NTS: Network Travel Solutions is a complete platform, easy to use, which allows to access to a wide selection of excellent services and structures from all over the world. NTS is a real revolution for the tourism industry because it is a cloud solution which can be used by managers, professionals working in the tourism industry and tourists at the same time. Registering a structure on the NTS platform means to make it available for thousands of users from all countries. Through NTS it is possible to provide customers with a better service, simplifying and speeding the online management of the structure and allowing an easier interaction with customers and partner structures. With NTS each structure receives a dedicated custom web site.

Through NTS the manager:

  • Can make reporting analysis at any time;
  • Does not have to pay for additional bundles or services;
  • Can manage electronic invoicing in a fast and easy way;
  • Has the possibility to access the user's personal profile with all information concerning previously bought bundles and services;
  • Can manage all offers provided by OTAs, such as Booking.com and Trivago;
  • Can use a WhiteList to create smart collaborations with providers and vendors and to always stay updated on new available bundles and offers;
  • Can manage the inventory and remaining products and services in order to provide the customers with a wider range of offers without losing additional opportunities.


At the moment we are offering three different options:

1) Creation of a basic web site:

  • Complete description of services provided by the structure (one page with ten pictures);
  • Telephone number, e-mail address and address;
  • Map and directions to the structure;
  • Two languages: English and Italian;
  • Links to social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter);
  • DNS and two custom mail addresses;
  • SEO indexing;
  • Web site optimized for all devices (computers, smartphones and tablets).


2) Creation of a basic web site provided with booking service:

  • Complete description of all services provided by the structure without limitations in terms of number of pages and pictures;
  • Completely autonomous web site management;
  • Enhancement of current web site;
  • Four languages: English, Italian, French and German;
  • Possibility to book directly from the main web site;
  • DNS and five custom mail addresses;
  • Electronic invoicing;
  • Integrated privacy and GDPR management with custom manual;
  • Customer profiles and statistical data;
  • Custom mailing lists;
  • Booking price reduced to 8%.


3) Creation of a complete web site:

  • All functions listed above in the basic web site and basic web site with booking function options are included;
  • Sale and booking of bundles available through the web site;
  • Custom OTA;
  • Nine languages: English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Greek and Moldovan;
  • DNS and ten custom mail addresses.


All solutions described above include:

  • Licence starting from the first year of installation and customization;
  • Software updates and maintenance with five hours of telephone assistance.

Additional services (on request): professional photographer and translation in other languagues not mentioned above.
The service includes the creation of a professional web site, developed with .Net Microsoft and SQL and installed on Windows Server of CShark S.r.l. All systems are GDPR compliant and follow Regulation (EU) 679/2016. The customer has to provide and update all contents belonging to them and under their responsibility.

Everything under your control

Integrated ERP

With NTS you always have everything under your control thanks to a management system which gives the possibility to completely manage your web site: add, edit or remove rooms, bundles of services, pictures and contents. Control real time the activities of your customers on the platform and send your guests notifications and messages related to exclusive events.


Developers at your service

We are always available to answer all your questions
and to give life to new services and offers designed
specifically for your needs

CShark Solutions

We develop and design any type of software and solution to readily satisfy all your needs and necessities.



Over 10 years of work experience with some of the most influential Italian companies make CZero a winning reality in automating core-business processes.